Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mom, are you freaking KIDDING?

Well, that's what it looks like she's thinking!! Sorry Ava!

YAY! Ava pooped on the potty! Well...not really. Not in the "potty training" sense. But she did poop in the potty! She's been gracing us (Jeff) with a bowel movement during bath on a pretty regular basis lately. So we decided it was time to see if she'd at least get it in the potty.

When Natalie was this age, she was doing the same thing. So, we tried sitting her on the potty and it worked! Within a few weeks she was consistently pooping on the potty either before or after the bath. I know people thought we were crazy (I know our pediatrician did!!) but I really think it helped with REAL potty training when Natalie was a little older.

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1 comment:

  1. Ugh... and my 2 1/2 year old STILL hasn't done anything but sit on the potty and collect M&M's for doing NOTHING.
